We are working together to co-design innovative approaches that support young people transitioning from out-of-home-care in Outer Eastern Melbourne. We want to support young people to access sustainable housing, build skills for employment and connect to their local community.


    We've developed this site to share our co-design journey.


    To learn more about co-design, click here.

  • Who are we

    We are a diverse group of professionals and community members passionate about making a difference for young people transitioning from out-of-home-care. Our co-design teams comprise representatives from state and local government, community service organisations, businesses, local community members, young people and carers.


    Co-design Sprints are facilitated by Peer Academy and sponsored by the Outer East Children and Youth Area Partnership.


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    Leaving Care Case Conferences

    April - November 2016

    We know that young people leaving care face a much higher risk of homelessness, substance abuse and disengaging from learning than their peers – so in 2016, we invited a broad group of stakeholders to trial a new case conferencing model.


    Case conferences aimed to improve outcomes for 10 young people transitioning from out-of-home-care, while learning and working together to improve the system.


    You can view a summary of the leaving care case conference process here.

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    Creating Stronger Futures

    29 November 2016

    The Outer Eastern Melbourne Area Partnership worked with Peer Academy in November 2016 to host a series of workshops, giving participants the opportunity to experience co-design techniques to help generate innovation around solving issues many young people face.


    Getting out of their comfort zone, participants practiced empathic interviewing, reframing for positivity, the 5 Whys exercise, and brainstormed both good and bad ideas.


    Around 60 people from agencies, state and local government, local businesses, schools, universities, TAFEs, and the broader community to take part in the sessions, which built awareness around the challenges facing young people; and provided a testing ground for participants involved in the current round of Co-design Sprints.



  • BLOG

    Follow our co-design journey here.

    Today the Co-Design Sprint team entered into the third testing phase of its prototypes. Responding to detailed feedback from our youth advisors, the Sprint teams extensively reworked their prototypes into realistic and exciting service models that would meet the needs of kids leaving care. In...
    April 19, 2017
    "This session began with Meg sharing feedback from a group of young people – all of whom had been in out of home care - about the ideas we had developed so far. Their input emphasised that they preferred prototypes which: gave young people transitioning to independence more agency and control...
    Today the Co-Design Sprint team entered into the second testing phase of its prototypes. This session was about taking our prototypes back to our youth advisors for further consultation and collaboration. Having absorbed the first round of feedback, our Sprint team incorporated the advisor’s...
  • DATA

    If you take 100 children aged between 18 and 25 who have transitioned from out-of-home-care:

    One quarter will be homeless and 35 will have experienced homelessness in their first year out of care.


    AHURI 2010

    Only 35 will have completed year 12.





    CREATE 2009

    29 will be unemployed (compared to the national average which is 9.7 percent)



    CREATE 2009

    Over half will report a problem with substance abuse.




    AHURI 2010